What we can do for you

SW Development

Our main focus is on developing backend services. However, you can also take advantage of our capabilities in programming in Swift (iOS), Kotlin/JetPack (Android), and ReactJS (Web). All our projects are managed by our project team using agile development to ensure quality in a short time.

Python logoPostgreSQL logoReact logoGitLab logoJava logoKafka logoKotlin logoTypescript logoSwift logo


In addition to standard database design, our specialists can perform database profiling to identify potential problem areas and design errors, as well as finding the optimal database cluster settings for your specific needs.

PostgreSQL logoMongoDB logoElastic logoCockroachDB logoRedis logoScyllaDB logoSQLite logo

Data Analysis & Processing

Intelligent tools need data to make the right decisions. Even human analysts make their decisions based on data. We strive to understand your data, process it, and present it appropriately to help you achieve your goals in the best possible way.

Python logoNumPy logoPandas logoTensorFlow logoKeras logoPyTorch logo

Infra & Dev Operations

Every project runs on an architecture created and managed by our OPS specialists. The entire planned infrastructure can be designed for seamless operation with software and data that will be processed for you. We provide solutions in the areas of backup, monitoring, and change/event management processes.

Docker logoGitLab logoKubernetes logoIcinga logoKafka logoProxmox logoAnsible logoPrometheus logoTerraform logo


Contact us

Why work with us



Our customers can always rely on us doing the best and behaving correctly, in every situation. Reliability is one of the most important values engraved deeply in the company constitution.

High standards

High standards

In delivering our projects, we adhere to industrial standards of high quality. Among other things, our solutions are sustainably maintainable in real operation.

Fast delivery

Fast delivery

We help you in situations when you are under time pressure. Agile methodology and our well-organized team guarantee fast and high-quality delivery.

Turnkey solution

Turnkey solution

We are happy to take on the entire project from A to Z. Designing optimal infrastructure and software that perfectly complement each other is our passion.

On-premise & Cloud

On-premise & Cloud

It depends on your preferences how you want to operate the delivered solution. We can help you with the deployment and operation of the entire architecture.

Defined technology

Defined technology

We use a clearly defined technology stack that we understand. It is not our goal to be Chuck Norris in every segment, but to be professionals in what we do.

Do you want to cooperate?

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We build long-term business relationships

Cyan logoAXXXELERATE logoAnovis logoCYBERTRAP logoCompass Grupe logoRadar Services logoWyconn logo